
Free Parking for improvisation in multiple environments.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

All around the water....

Pretty much went straight from work this afternoon to record some flugelhorn for Mr Bannerman, who is apparently planning an album sometime in 2005 (you heard it here first folks, although the Bannerman Brothers are likely to drop me into the Waitemata with a vintage amp tied to my ankles for revealing their plans... ) . And then spent a rather nice 2 hours helping out on the Cheer Bro Show on Fleet FM (88.3 FM if you're in within cooee of spaghetti junction, 107.3 in Welly or on the web - check the link).

And who remembers Pumpkinhead? I must have been 16 and easily influenced at the time, probably ingesting a little too much Cobain too, but hearing the chorus from Water again after ten years sure floated my boat.


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