
Free Parking for improvisation in multiple environments.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A New Energy State

Ah fossil fuels. My nomination for crappest job in the world - Coal Miner in China.

On a similar energetic bent, NY Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman outlines an intriguing project to kick-start American science and reform US foreign policy

"...our generation's moon shot: a crash science initiative for alternative energy and conservation to make America energy-independent in 10 years. Imagine if every American kid, in every school, were galvanized around such a vision. Ah, you say, nice idea, Friedman, but what does it have to do with your subject - foreign policy?

Everything! You give me an America that is energy-independent and I will give you sharply reduced oil revenues for the worst governments in the world. I will give you political reform from Moscow to Riyadh to Tehran. Yes, deprive these regimes of the huge oil windfalls on which they depend and you will force them to reform by having to tap their people instead of oil wells. These regimes won't change when we tell them they should. They will change only when they tell themselves they must."


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