
Free Parking for improvisation in multiple environments.

Friday, September 09, 2005


Here, in unexpurgated glory, is the complete, original story of the Journey to Paradise. Thanks to Rushan for spurring me on to dig this up! I wrote this short story in mid 2002. It is inspired by an actual journey taken in that year by a certain special group of people , to a place that is marked on maps of New Zealand as "Paradise". Yes, it is a real place, although I am still not sure to this day where it actually is.

Until yesterday, I hadn't read this story for almost 3 years, and it prompted a lot of memories about a key time in my life. I'm not quite sure if I am the narrator or not, he/she certainly sounds a lot more authoritative about the expedition than I recall feeling at the time. Although the text was only read once in public at at youth service at St Paul's Remuera, it strikes me that it could have made a great short voice play for radio... ah, another project for a rainy day.

The story is best read accompanied with a large pinch of salt or some of your favourite music. I suggest the following, the opening track on Trinity Root's album "True", which I was discovering for the first time during those short, cold days surrounded by the Southern Alps.

Trinity Roots - True
From True: Independent TR_02 [Buy]

Enjoy, and comments are very welcome.


  • At 10:28 PM, Blogger Rushan said…

    That sure brings back memories. I hope you don't mind that I copied and pasted the text into my blog, to enable more people to read it - it is a FINE work of writing and would have made a wonderful radio play.

  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger etnobofin said…

    Hi Rushan, please copy, paste, use and distribute all you want :-)

    I'm not sure myself if it's a *Fine* piece of writing, but I'm modestly pleased that it still works several years later...


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