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Sunday, October 03, 2004

Il est temps de partir, John !

This weekend's Le Monde has this story covering the Michael Moore-esque "Time to go John", a series of shorts pulled together by Australian film makers exposing some of the questionable actions of the Howard government.

Interesting to see that a European paper should take notice of political and articistic manouevrings so far from the metropole - if only there was a more active critique in the metropolitan French media of the continuing colonial regime in the Pacific....

The Observer also has a horrifying article giving a glimpse into the extent of the criminal networks abducting and trafficking women and children across eastern Europe. Where is this all heading?

It is ultimately abhorrent that there are people growing rich off the prostitution and abuse of children anywhere in the world. But this is happening on a large scale inside (or at least within spitting distance of) the European Union. Do we actually care? Are we powerless to stop this?


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