
Free Parking for improvisation in multiple environments.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I Been Linked!

Holy crap, someone I don't know has actually linked to etnobofin. The Incomer, based in Christchurch has stuck me in their links.

This is a red letter moment indeed. What a pity Mr Incomer doesn't appear to post that often, although he has taken time to link to some other blogs that seem to have a lot of lovely pottery, angry British monkeys, blogs who like to use unreadable black backgrounds (please resit Web design 101!) and several featuring poetry. They even link to an Australian blog. Oh what a happy family to be included in!

I can also empathise with The Incomer's concern that many bloggers seem utterly unsatisfied with their lot in life, and don't seem to be taking any steps to change this. Am I just fortunate to have a pretty alright life, all things considered, or maybe I'm missing something? I suppose that one could view blogging as an outlet for all this unfocused frustration, but I think blogging can be so much more creative and enlightening. More ouverture, more enthousiasme, less ras le bol!

I hope at least some of my posts reflect my joy and surprise at being allowed to live in these islands, with my friends, on this planet at this time, making discoveries that are both frightening and inspiring.


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