
Free Parking for improvisation in multiple environments.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Islands in the Stream

What is going on at Radio New Zealand? There seems continuing trepidation to move into the early 21st Century and provide live streaming of their programmes. Andrew Dubber, currently on secondment to sunny Birmingham, writes a good open letter to our public broadcaster. Unlike Radio New Zealand, fear of infringing copyright is not holding back such notorious IP pirates as the BBC, CBC, Radio France and ABC from providing live access to their programming via the web.

Radio NZ is one of the constants in my life, (Japanese radio in my car means that it's one of the few refuges on the AM dial that I can listen to without breaking my head open in frustration). Its often excellent programming deserves to be available on the Internet. You could even be having dinner in London and listen to Sean Plunkett rip into Don Brash.

While ruminating on radio, the disgracefully ageing Martin "Bomber" Bradbury seems pretty supportive of the Kiwi FM concept, (OK he has a vested interest as longtime Sunday night talkback host). But his support seems more based on his pride as a kiwi than on any commercial reality. As I've pointed out previously, unless somebody points me to a decent business case, I can't see the 100% Kiwi format working myself.

Disgracefully ageing, too, are The Insider's landlords in Christchurch. Ah, how refreshing it would be to be 23 again, untouched by the sweet tyranny of a corporate salary and receding hairlines, ready to lead that life less ordinary. Us 26 year olds have so much to teach the younger generation.


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